當交界暗面不連續時,光線/色彩 的佈置。This complicated photograph, need use concept to make it simple. . When interface is build, using color to replace light to keep...
Upgrade the language of concept to interface / brush stroke. Normally we are describing a shape with color and value, we can also use higher concept, it is more abstract, but bundle with more...
放入筆觸和edge來豐富交界。 霧狀區和色塊區的銜接,是所謂的交界。 。 讓交界變得更富有空間,可以增加筆觸和edge 的設計 ,再以畫刀重覆做出水面堅硬的鏡面,並在鏡面的遠近,用色彩温度來區分出遠近。 。 最後要回補部份被塗掉的樹幹陰影,讓平面藉由樹影連接在一起,拉大色塊的延續性,使得張力變大。
創造更大的空間。。用微小的暗面,高彩度的色彩,創造前後微空間。 局部的厚塗和一級的色彩,讓光的錯覺擊中後面的鳯梨,並形成光暈。 。物件的同比例放大,使得色塊也相對變大,張力變強,放大的主因是為了 : 交界的延續,讓整個畫布空間完整的使用。
Find the intrinsic quality of nature, and then put the color on.. Find the biggest area of dark zone, put the color observed from nature. . Using different brush stroke to create space in subtle way.