強光和微光下的物件,對明度和色輪的應用實驗。。如同影片的內容,對介於強/微光之間的霧狀edge 和二級至三級色的交界,來形成接近的空間。 可以很有系統的對寫生的物件,做出空間上的微差,重點在於物件的彩度和遠方的edge 關係。
Enlarging a piece of block to enhance the impact of color.. When we have too much color on picture, we know it is hard to drive viewer's eye ball to follow our design. So, better to change a few...
當光影不強,灰色的圖片要置入交界的觀念,來埋入色彩。。When dark area is larger than light part, find the interface, put same value but different color with what we see on picture. For...